About TASI --- Taiwan Association of Stationery Industries

About TASI

Taiwan Association of Stationery Industries (TASI) had been founded since 15 June, 1956. It was addressing formerly as Taiwan Regional Association of Educational Materials Industries. The members including manufactures of stationery for writing, papers, metals, plastics, chemicals and others locate mainly in Taipei and Tainan, the rest widely spread in Taoyuan, Yilan, Taichung, Chanwha, and Kaoshiung. Now it strongly owns 100 major members in Taiwan. Their products are not only selling to domestic market, but also exporting overseas.

40% of them are exported to America, the rest to elsewhere all over the world such as Canada, Panama, Chile, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Britain, France, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, and China, etc.

The association is aiming at building up its membership to develop their common interests, improve and promote their products, enhance economical development. Hence, it will try very hard to keep routine in its business and provide excellent services to their associate members so that other manufacturers would be glad to join in. The group functions will be exposed by their greatly organized and united power.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any question.
Our Global Service:
(TEL)+886 2 23882611 (FAX)+886 2 23882612 or 81926084
(E-MAIL) webmaster@tasi.org
(ADDRESS) 11F-8, 57, Chong Qing S. Rd. Sec.1, Taipei, Taiwan 100, R.O.C.

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International Partner

Europe :
Russia Stationery Suppliers Association
Pacific Rim :
China Writing Instrument Association
Philippine Stationers' Association INC.
Korea Stationery Industry Cooperative
All Japan Stationery Association
Thai Stationeries and Office Supplies Association
Americas :
2025 台北國際創意文具展/2025.07.04~2025.07.07